GuideWeb: Publikationen und Downloads
B.X. Weis, J.D. Weis, „GUIDEWEB: Ein konzeptionell infrastrukturfreies Fahrzeugkommunikationssystem „, ISBN 978-3-8007-4308-7, VDE Congress Internet of Things, Mannheim, Germany, November 2016
Download: VDE-Congress 2016 GUIDEWEB: Ein konzeptionell infrastrukturfreies Fahrzeugkommunikationssystem
B.X. Weis, „GuideWeb: Information Acquisition Analysis in a Conceptually Infrastructure-Free Vehicle Navigation System“, pp. 159 – 170, 17th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2013), Berlin, Germany, June 2013
Download: AMAA_2013_Paper_GuideWeb_Information_Acquisition_Analysis
B.X. Weis, A. Sandweg: „GuideWeb: a conceptually infrastructure-free vehicle navigation system”, IET Intell. Transp. Syst., pp. 1–6, September 2012
Download: ITS_IET_2012_GuideWeb_Vehicle_Navigation
B.X. Weis, A. Sandweg, “GuideWeb: A New Paradigm for Navigation Support based on v2v Communication”, 14th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2010), Berlin, Germany, 2010
Download: AMAA_2010_GuideWeb_Paper
B.X. Weis, A. Sandweg, “GuideWeb: An Introductory Solution for v2v Communication”, 17th Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congress, Busan, Korea, 2010
Download: Paper GuideWeb ITS2010 Busan
B.X. Weis, A. Sandweg, “GuideWeb: A Conceptually Infrastructure-Free Vehicle Navigation System”, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Journal Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), September 2012
Download: Final_Copy_ITS_20110096